Pub. Date: August 25th 2009
Age Range: Young Adult
Pages: 503
Format: paperback
Source Of Copy: from the publisher - Penguin Aus
How far will Rose go to keep her promise?
The recent Strigoi attack at St. Vladimir’s Academy was the deadliest ever in the school’s history, claiming the lives of Moroi students, teachers, and guardians alike. Even worse, the Strigoi took some of their victims with them. . . including Dimitri.
He’d rather die than be one of them, and now Rose must abandon her best friend, Lissa—the one she has sworn to protect no matter what—and keep the promise Dimitri begged her to make long ago. But with everything at stake, how can she possibly destroy the person she loves most?
If I was allowed to review this book in four words, I'd say READ IT RIGHT NOW, but because I can't, I'm going to spazz over this series just like always. If you're a reader, you just can't miss this. And if you're a vampire lover, it's your loss should you not pick up this series.
Blood Promise is a little bit different from the rest from the series because this time it's about Rose's adventure out there in the real world and totally alone. It's darker, somewhat sadder and more mysterious with lots of new characters introduced, minor and major abide.
The story focuses more on Rose this time with her relationships with her mom, her friends and above all, her love with Dimitri. Readers will get a chance to know of Dimitri's family, his life at home and how he is as a normal son. Of course, the writer didn't forget to update us about Lissa and everyone back in the academy, where things also gets very complicated than ever. And we cannot forget about shadow kiss right?
One thing I like about Blood Promise is that it finally gives us the point of view of Strigois, how they want to conquer the world, how it feels to be one. It's really interesting to see Dimitri in this new form although it's a little scary. And did I mention how weaky and vulnerable Rose appears at some moments? Totally different.
My only complaint is that there's not enough of action factor in this book. There are a few fights but none is as intense as ones in the previous installments. The end is really unexpected though, promising an even more amazing book to come this May.
I know you'll pick this book up, so enjoy it : )
Rating: 4.5/5
Good review but I've had enough vampires.
I'm at book 1 and I agree, VA is really great.
You finished 4 books right? Let me go to your house and bring them home haha.
I'm not familiar with this series, but I'll have to look for it next time I'm shopping for my sister. Sounds interesting!
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