In the novel, a 17-year-old girl, who has waited her entire life to be told by a group known as “the Society” who her soul mate is, has her world upended when she discovers she’s in love with someone other than the group’s pick. Don Weisberg, president of Penguin Young Readers Group, along with Lauri Hornik, president and publisher of Dutton Children’s Books, and Julie Strauss-Gabel, associate publisher of Dutton Children’s, all worked on the deal, which is for North American rights. Gabel, who will edit the book, said that it “will make readers crave the passion of uncertainty and cherish the power of the written word.
After reading Cinderella Society, I've come to love the idea of society real much and this is more interesting that this one holds the power to tell its member who her soul mate is. I have a feeling this story is going to be very dark and romantic as well. And not to mention the cover. It's beautiful and portrays the book very well.
Are you and this book a match? Find your answer on November 30th 2010.
Aw, Matched. I'd love to get this asap, too. <3
I'm looking forward to this one as well. It looks and sounds amazing!
Not sure I like how it sounds but that's one of an amazing cover.
This looks great :)
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